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Our Why

ANOH serves justice-impacted and unhoused Fort Worth residents because resources are lacking.

Texas has the largest incarcerated population and 5th largest unhoused population of any U.S. state, and Fort Worth is a large hub for incarcerated and homeless Texans (The Sentencing Project). Currently, 751 per 100,000 Texans are incarcerated, and the rate among Black Texans (1,278 per 100,000) is nearly four times the rate among White Texans (385 per 100,000), according to the Prison Policy Initiative. In Fort Worth, mental illness is estimated at 25% among the unhoused population (est. 2,390) (T. Knox, TCU360).


Deliver experienced mentorship to individuals seeking social and economic restoration.


Offer impactful resources with trusted partners.


Provide ongoing support through informative, empowering, and effective programming.

Why Peer Mentorship?

A Nation of Hope has a team that not only cares deeply but also relates through their own lived experiences. Through peer mentorship, they support justice-impacted individuals to safely navigate challenges, enhance life skills, and acquire the knowledge needed to overcome daily obstacles posed by internal and external barriers.

What Resources?

We collaborate with key community service providers to offer comprehensive solutions for participants seeking community reentry services. Our focus is on addressing the ongoing needs of justice-impacted individuals to help them stay out of incarceration, both mentally and physically. These needs include employment, financial management, personal and professional development, legal support, and physical and behavioral health.

Why Offer Programming?

We are committed to an evolving approach that equips our participants to thrive in a world filled with uncertainties, fears, and uncontrollable circumstances. We believe in strengthening their abilities to navigate and prosper amidst overwhelming options and challenges.

Logo in white for A Nation of Hope

EIN #86-2337485

A Nation of Hope does not staff state-licensed counselors, therapists, or medical providers. All programs, content, and materials shared on this website and pubically are for educational and informational purposes only.


(682) 277-9994

PO Box 121071

Fort Worth, TX 76121-1071

©2024 A Nation of Hope is a 501c3 charitable, social enterprise organization.

All Rights Reserved.

Our Terms & Conditions

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